When to post on social media

Why am I writing a whole blog post about the best times to post on social media? Because believe it or not, this is one of the many things that influencers have to think about on the daily. If you missed my previous post where I cover the ugly side of blogging, you may want to start there first.

Let’s focus on Instagram for a minute. There’s thousands of influencers flooding news feeds on the daily and even with growing follower counts, it’s still possible that your posts won’t get noticed. In fact, only a select percentage of your followers will actually see your posts. Crazy right?

One way of helping ensure your followers actually see your posts is by posting at optimal times. If you have a business account, you can actually head into your account to see what times your followers are the most active and yup, you guessed it- you’ll want to post during these times. You’ll also want to tag your location and use hashtags to help with that too.

The second platform I want to focus on is Pinterest, as this is the number one drive for blog traffic. If you have a blog, you should be posting on Pinterest every single day. Schedule your pins, pin directly when you like something, etc. You’ll want to actively re-pin from your site, as well as share things that interest you (not related to your brand) to stay active.

Facebook and Twitter are important too and in my opinion, using all 4 of these social platforms simultaneously really helps elevate your brand. You can reach new audiences and target each group differently on the respective platform.

While I personally spend most of my time on Instagram, I don’t forget about the other sites either.

Pin, save, share this graphic to keep these optimal posting times handy to help elevate your reach and engagement!

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